Source code for xitorch._core.packer

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Optional, List, Tuple, Dict
from copy import deepcopy, copy
import torch

__all__ = ["Packer"]

[docs]class Packer(object): """ Packer is an object that could extract the tensors in a structure and rebuild the structure from the given tensors. This object preserves the structure of the object by performing the deepcopy of the object, except for the tensor. Arguments --------- obj: Any Any structure object that contains tensors. Example ------- .. testsetup:: import torch import xitorch .. doctest:: >>> a = torch.tensor(1.0) >>> obj = { ... "a": a, ... "b": a * 3, ... "c": a, ... } >>> packer = xitorch.Packer(obj) >>> tensors = packer.get_param_tensor_list() >>> print(tensors) [tensor(1.), tensor(3.)] >>> new_tensors = [torch.tensor(2.0), torch.tensor(4.0)] >>> new_obj = packer.construct_from_tensor_list(new_tensors) >>> print(new_obj) {'a': tensor(2.), 'b': tensor(4.), 'c': tensor(2.)} """ def __init__(self, obj: Any): # deep copy the object, except the tensors tensor_lists = _extract_tensors(obj) memo = {id(t): t for t in tensor_lists} self._tensor_memo = copy(memo) # shallow copy self._obj = deepcopy(obj, memo) # caches self._params_tensor_list: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]] = tensor_lists self._unique_params_idxs: Optional[List[int]] = None self._unique_inverse_idxs: Optional[List[int]] = None self._unique_tensor_shapes: Optional[List[torch.Size]] = None self._tensor_shapes: Optional[List[torch.Size]] = None self._unique_tensor_numels: Optional[List[int]] = None self._unique_tensor_numel_tot: Optional[int] = None self._tensor_numels: Optional[List[int]] = None self._tensor_numel_tot: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def get_param_tensor_list(self, unique: bool = True) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """ Returns the list of tensors contained in the object. It will traverse down the object via elements for list, values for dictionary, or ``__dict__`` for object that has ``__dict__`` attribute. Arguments --------- unique: bool If True, then only returns the unique tensors. Otherwise, duplicates can also be returned. Returns ------- list of torch.Tensor List of tensors contained in the object. """ # get the params tensor list if self._params_tensor_list is not None: # get it from cache if available params_tensors = self._params_tensor_list else: params_tensors = _extract_tensors(self._obj) self._params_tensor_list = params_tensors # only take the unique tensors if required if unique: if self._unique_params_idxs is not None: unique_idxs = self._unique_params_idxs unique_inverse = self._unique_inverse_idxs else: unique_idxs, unique_inverse = _get_unique_idxs(params_tensors) self._unique_params_idxs = unique_idxs self._unique_inverse_idxs = unique_inverse params_tensors = [params_tensors[i] for i in unique_idxs] if unique: self._unique_tensor_shapes = [p.shape for p in params_tensors] else: self._tensor_shapes = [p.shape for p in params_tensors] return params_tensors
[docs] def get_param_tensor(self, unique: bool = True) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: """ Returns the tensor parameters as a single tensor. This can be used, for example, if there are multiple parameters to be optimized using ``xitorch.optimize.minimize``. Arguments --------- unique: bool If True, then only returns the tensor from unique tensors list. Otherwise, duplicates can also be returned. Returns ------- torch.Tensor or None The parameters of the object in a single tensor or None if there is no tensor contained in the object. """ params = self.get_param_tensor_list(unique=unique) if len(params) == 0: return None else: if unique: self._unique_tensor_numels = [p.numel() for p in params] self._unique_tensor_numel_tot = sum(self._unique_tensor_numels) else: self._tensor_numels = [p.numel() for p in params] self._tensor_numel_tot = sum(self._tensor_numels) if len(params) == 1: return params[0] else: tparam =[p.reshape(-1) for p in params]) return tparam
[docs] def construct_from_tensor_list(self, tensors: List[torch.Tensor], unique: bool = True) -> Any: """ Construct the object from the tensor list and returns the object structure with the new tensors. Executing this does not change the state of the Packer object. Arguments --------- tensors: list of torch.Tensor The tensor parameters to be filled into the object. unique: bool Indicating if the tensor list ``tensors`` is from the unique parameters of the object. Returns ------- Any A new object with the same structure as the input to ``__init__`` object except the tensor is changed according to ``tensors``. """ if unique: tensor_shapes = self._unique_tensor_shapes else: tensor_shapes = self._tensor_shapes if tensor_shapes is None: raise RuntimeError("Please execute self.get_param_tensor_list(%s) first" % str(unique)) else: # make sure the length matches if len(tensor_shapes) != len(tensors): raise RuntimeError("Mismatch length of the tensors") if len(tensor_shapes) == 0: return self._obj # check the tensor shapes for i, (tens, shape) in enumerate(zip(tensors, tensor_shapes)): if tens.shape != shape: msg = "The tensors[%d] has mismatch shape from the original. Expected: %s, got: %s" % \ (i, tens.shape, shape) raise RuntimeError(msg) # duplicate the tensors if the input is unique list of tensors if unique: assert self._unique_inverse_idxs, "Please report to Github" tensors = [tensors[self._unique_inverse_idxs[i]] for i in range(len(self._unique_inverse_idxs))] else: # _put_tensors will change the tensors, so this is just to preserve # the input tensors = copy(tensors) # deepcopy the object, except the tensors memo = copy(self._tensor_memo) new_obj = deepcopy(self._obj, memo) new_obj = _put_tensors(new_obj, tensors) return new_obj
[docs] def construct_from_tensor(self, a: torch.Tensor, unique: bool = True) -> Any: """ Construct the object from the single tensor (i.e. it is the parameters tensor merged into a single tensor) and returns the object structure with the new tensor. Executing this does not change the state of the Packer object. Arguments --------- a: torch.Tensor The single tensor parameter to be filled. unique: bool Indicating if the tensor ``a`` is from the unique parameters of the object. Returns ------- Any A new object with the same structure as the input to ``__init__`` object except the tensor is changed according to ``a``. """ if unique: tensor_shapes = self._unique_tensor_shapes tensor_numel_tot = self._unique_tensor_numel_tot tensor_numels = self._unique_tensor_numels else: tensor_shapes = self._tensor_shapes tensor_numel_tot = self._tensor_numel_tot tensor_numels = self._tensor_numels if tensor_shapes is None: raise RuntimeError("Please execute self.get_param_tensor(%s) first" % str(unique)) elif len(tensor_shapes) == 0: return self._obj else: assert tensor_numel_tot is not None, "Please report to Github" assert tensor_numels is not None, "Please report to Github" if a.numel() != tensor_numel_tot: msg = "The number of element does not match. Expected: %d, got: %d" % \ (tensor_numel_tot, a.numel()) raise RuntimeError(msg) if len(tensor_numels) == 1: params: List[torch.Tensor] = [a] else: # reshape the parameters ioffset = 0 params = [] for i in range(len(tensor_numels)): p = a[ioffset:ioffset + tensor_numels[i]].reshape(tensor_shapes[i]) ioffset += tensor_numels[i] params.append(p) return self.construct_from_tensor_list(params, unique=unique)
def _extract_tensors(b: Any) -> List[torch.Tensor]: # extract all the tensors from the given object # this function traverses down the object to collect all the tensors res: List[torch.Tensor] = [] if isinstance(b, torch.Tensor): res.append(b) elif isinstance(b, list): for elmt in b: res.extend(_extract_tensors(elmt)) elif isinstance(b, dict): for elmt in b.values(): res.extend(_extract_tensors(elmt)) elif hasattr(b, "__dict__"): for elmt in b.__dict__.values(): res.extend(_extract_tensors(elmt)) return res def _put_tensors(b: Any, tensors: List) -> Any: # put the tensors recursively in the object, with the same order as # _extract_tensors. # the tensors will be changed in this class, so make sure to have # a shallow copy if you want to preserve your input if isinstance(b, torch.Tensor): b = tensors.pop(0) elif isinstance(b, list): for i, elmt in enumerate(b): b[i] = _put_tensors(elmt, tensors) elif isinstance(b, dict): for key, elmt in b.items(): b[key] = _put_tensors(elmt, tensors) elif hasattr(b, "__dict__"): for key, elmt in b.__dict__.items(): b.__dict__[key] = _put_tensors(elmt, tensors) return b def _get_unique_idxs(b: List) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]: # get unique indices based on the ids of the b's elements # and the index for inversing the unique process ids_list = [id(bb) for bb in b] unique_ids: Dict[int, int] = {} unique_idxs: List[int] = [] unique_inverse: List[int] = [] for i, idnum in enumerate(ids_list): if idnum in unique_ids: unique_inverse.append(unique_ids[idnum]) else: unique_ids[idnum] = len(unique_idxs) unique_idxs.append(i) unique_inverse.append(unique_ids[idnum]) return unique_idxs, unique_inverse